victim, couple, suicide, court… this is what we know about the case

This Tuesday, February 20, a man killed a 66-year-old woman, in front of the Montpellier judicial court. What happened ? We take stock of this drama.

This Tuesday, February 20, the Montpellier judicial court was the scene of a new feminicide. A tragedy which occurs shortly after the femicide in the Rhône, of a 45-year-old woman, whose body was found burned with cans of gasoline. Today, it was with a gun that a man coldly shot his ex-wife.

Indeed, according to information from Parisian, A 72-year-old man shot his 66-year-old ex-wife in the head. He then used the same weapon to killing himself. The facts took place before the Montpellier judicial court where the ex-couple had an appointment to attend a hearing as part of their divorce spoken a few years earlier in 2016.

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No violence noted in the file

The trail of femicide and suicide was quickly put forward by the authorities. Prosecutor Fabrice Bélargent gave a press conference in the afternoon. He thus indicated that the family affairs judge had summoned the two individuals “for the purposes of liquidation of property interests following their divorce pronounced in 2016”.

Despite the drama, no violence was noted in the context of their divorce. “The interested parties were not summoned to court for a domestic violence procedure”, clarified the prosecutor, before adding that there was no existence either “ongoing proceedings relating to violence within the couple or a protection order”. Furthermore, the shooter was not known to the police either.

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Traumatized court staff

Nothing therefore suggested such a tragedy. According to a police official, it is “a priori of a woman who would have been the victim of gunshots from her husband, who would have committed suicide behind”. In a publication X, the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Morretti indicates that a psychological support unit was activated for court staff.

“We heard two shots. Everyone lay on the ground in the courtrooms as well as in the waiting room. We thought it was an attack. It’s a shock. We’re still shaking,” a witness told Free Midday.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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