Victim of domestic violence, this pregnant woman was saved

Victim of domestic violence, this pregnant woman was saved thanks to her work colleagues. They denounced the 28-year-old man via the sexual and gender-based violence reporting platform.

On Friday April 23, a 28-year-old man from Toulouse appeared before the criminal court for immediate appearance for domestic violence on his pregnant partner. “He was denounced by his companion’s colleagues on the sexual and gender-based violence reporting platform”, report France Blue.

The victim had been beaten for two years and the violent companion only partially admitted the facts following police custody. “The young woman was heard by the unit attacking people on the right bank and lodged a complaint”, indicates France Bleu.

Read also :

“Reports of sexual and gender-based violence during confinement have tripled”

Set up by the Ministry of the Interior for 3 years, this platform dedicated online service aims to support victims of sexual or gender-based violence. Free, anonymous and available 24 hours a day, this reporting portal has already helped 6,500 victims.

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According to the latest government figures, “Reports of sexual and gender-based violence during confinement have tripled”. Thus, on average, the Digital Brigade received 300 reports per month.


Suruthi is a writer for the Aufeminin, Parole de Mamans and Avis de Mamans websites. She is also Community Manager for Aufeminin Maman’s Facebook and Instagram social networks. She is also …