Victoria Beckham: She would never wear Bieber’s Crocs

Victoria Beckham
She would never wear Bieber’s Crocs

Victoria Beckham will probably never wear Crocs – not even Justin Bieber’s.

© Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / ImageCollect

Justin Bieber sent his newly designed plastic shoes to Victoria Beckham – who would rather die than wear them.

Justin Bieber (27) has once again distinguished himself as a designer: the singer is now designing his own Crocs line. The shoes are already sold out – but designer Victoria Beckham (47) was not impressed by the pieces. He also sent a lilac-colored version of the mighty plastic shoes to the designer and fashion icon. She doesn’t seem to think much of the anti-fashion statement.

On Instagram, she asked her fans: “Will I wear these purple Crocs ?!” After all, 43 percent of her followers trusted her to wear the shoes. Beckham made it clear to these fans in the next post how wrong they are. She published the poll results in another Instagram story and made it clear: “I think I’d rather die, but thanks anyway Justin Bieber.”
