VIDEO 8:30 p.m. Sunday: Gilles Lellouche moved to tears by evoking an anecdote about Jean-Paul Belmondo

This Sunday, January 9, 2022, Laurent Delahousse received on the set of 8:30 p.m. on Sunday actor Gilles Lellouche. The actor confided in his long career and took the opportunity to unveil, not without emotion, a tender anecdote on Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Monday, September 6, 2021, the French learned of the death of Jean-Paul Belmondo. The iconic actor died at the age of 88 and it was his lawyer who broke the news to AFP. Michel Godest had confided a few minutes later on BFM TV and looked back on the last months of the actor: “I saw him often with his family. He had become weak. For me, it’s a terrible void. But he passed away quietly this morning.”. The family reacted in a statement. “The family of Jean-Paul Belmondo has lost its pillar. Jean-Paul passed away today. He left to join his old accomplices at the Conservatory. His sincere smile will always be there”.

A news that had aroused a wave of emotion among the French. Many had paid tribute to him both on social networks and physically. On September 9, 2021, many fans gathered in front of the Invalides to pay him a final tribute during his burial and the ceremony that took place inside.

“He was reliving a day of proxy shooting”

Many actors had been invited for this last goodbye and in particular Gilles Lellouche. Very close to the actor, he had paid a beautiful tribute in the columns of the Parisian to the one he considered his “Godfather” the cinema :I am extremely sad. Jean-Paul Belmondo is our national hero. I grew up with him, I saw all his films, I was madly in love with him. I was very lucky to have him as a godfather in the profession. Jean-Paul was of nameless benevolence “.

An admiration that he once again addressed on the set of 8:30 p.m. on Sunday facing Laurent Delahousse. Gilles Lellouche returned with great emotion to this very special bond which united them especially when Jean-Paul Belmondo had taken a hotel room next to his on the set of North Bac : “He had asked to have the room glued to mine. He stayed all August, a month, and every night after my day of filming I had to go see him, he m ‘was waiting on the terrace. He was waiting for me to have a drink with him and tell him about my day of filming. He was reliving a day of proxy shooting. It moves me a lot to tell… He is someone who has counted a lot “. A very touching moment.

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