VIDEO – Alpes-Maritimes: a deer settles … on the land of hunters


It is a rare phenomenon. A month ago, a deer took up residence with a hunter in the village of Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée (Alpes-Maritimes). “He arrived a month ago. We saw him one day in the village”, says Gilbert Barbier to TF1. “I call her my baby”, even adds this retiree who has taken a liking to this animal who has decided to spend his days in the gardens of the village and his nights on the grounds of the hunters’ house.

In the town, everyone is delighted with the arrival of the newcomer. “Everyone talks about it, it has taken its small habits. He is not very old, I think we will be able to see him for perhaps years”, enthuses a resident. “It’s good, he took refuge in the middle of a country of hunters , he fears nothing”, ironically another, with benevolence. “It is happiness”.

Another specimen had already settled in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée for six years before dying. But then why this village? Experts wonder. “In winter, animals of this age begin to descend into the valley where there is more to eat. They come to vegetable gardens to find leftover vegetables from the summer”, explains Boris Opalka, head of the territorial service at the Mercantour National Park. “We have no other explanation than that”, he adds.


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