VIDEO – An Arte news star cured of breast cancer and back on the air, unexpected comeback

By Atika Mahmoudi


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A star of the Arte news made her comeback on January 29, 2024. Cured of her breast cancer, she was able to return to the air. And she acted as if nothing had happened as viewers could see.

Marie Labory is back in “Arte Journal” © Arte

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Arte viewers had a nice surprise on January 29, 2024. After almost four months of withdrawal from the air, Marie Labory made her big return to Arte Journal… Like nothing ever happened.

After battling breast cancer, the 48-year-old journalist made her comeback on air last night. If some might have thought that she would have some special words for this comeback, that was not the case. Marie Labory started her diary as if she had never left. “Guten Abend, good evening everyone. It’s 7:45 p.m. and we’re off to Arte Journal”, she declared by way of introduction. Then, the newspaper continued. The mother of the family is in any case back for good since at the end of the show, she declared: “And with this good advice, it’s time to say goodbye, for today. See you tomorrow, same time, same place. Have a good evening, please. Bis morgen [à traduire “à demain” en allemand, NDLR].”

Viewers happy to find Marie Labory

A little earlier, Marie Labory took to her X account (formerly Twitter) to share the big news. “Hello friends of #artejournal! I’m coming back on set this evening at 7:45 p.m. and for the occasion I’ve worn pink shoes.“, we could read.

Her subscribers did not fail to have a tender word for the presenter. “Welcome back, Marie!“, “Glad to see you again, especially after what happened to you. All my wishes are with you“, “Good evening and welcome back to the team“, “What a pleasure to finally find you in good shape, I wish you the best for this new year! Great pink shoes“, “But yes I heard your voice when I was preparing food. I was happy for you. Welcome back then and all the best for the future“, “What a joy to see you again this evening. We missed you. Be well and see you tomorrow“, could we read among the many comments.

Remember that it was last October that Marie Labory, presented since 2012 in the French edition ofArte Journal, had announced the illness from which she suffered. “Dear viewers ofArt journal, I’m off the air for a while. Like one in 8 women in France, I have breast cancer. A ‘nice one’ say the doctors 😉 so see you very soon!” she wrote on social networks.

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