Video: Anna and Gerald Heiser: Your baby is here!

Farmer is looking for a wife
Anna and Gerald Heiser became parents

After an Instagram break, Anna Heiser shows a very special photo!


Anna and Gerald Heiser are pure family happiness! They can finally hold their son in their hands, but the way there was not easy.

"3180 grams of pure love. We are fine and we are infinitely grateful for the greatest miracle in the world, "writes Anna Heiser on Instagram, announcing the good news: Gerald and she have finally become parents.

Hope was worth it

This is something very special for Anna and her husband, because in January 2020 they had to cope with a great loss: Anna had already become pregnant once and had a miscarriage. But the "farmer is looking for a wife" couple has not given up hope, and the wait has been worth it: Now they can start a whole new phase of life with their baby.

Sources used: In-house production /
