Video: Danni Büchner: She has to close the Faneteria

Danni Büchner
She has to close the faneteria

In 2018, Danni opened the Faneteria restaurant together with Jens Büchner.


There were months of anxiety, but now it is clear: Danni Büchner has to close the Faneteria. You can see how much this step affects her in the video.

Almost three years ago, Jens and Danni Büchner fulfilled their dream of a restaurant on Mallorca. A lot has happened since then. Since Jens death in November 2018, she has had to look after her five children alone. And then there is the corona pandemic, which is causing a serious crisis on the tourist island.

Now it is clear: The Faneteria must close

You can find out in the video how difficult it is for Danni to take this step and why she is still optimistic about the future.

