VIDEO – Discover an exclusive excerpt from Yann Moix’s film with Gérard Depardieu in North Korea

European 1

This Saturday evening, during “La Libre Antenne”, Europe 1 broadcast an exclusive extract from the film by Yann Moix, with actor Gérard Depardieu, shot in North Korea on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the North Korean regime. The opportunity for the host to also return to this film, which should be released “soon”, he assures.

For the 70th anniversary of the North Korean regime, in 2018, Yann Moix traveled to North Korea, accompanied by actor Gérard Depardieu. Yann Moix made a film of this trip. This Saturday evening, an exclusive excerpt was broadcast in La Libre Antenne on Europe 1.

“Travelling is meeting people”

Yann Moix also returned to the reasons that led him to make this film, which is not a documentary or a road movie, but “a Depardieu. All films with Gérard on documentaries on Gérard, even pure fiction films.” After detailing the difficulties that delayed the release of his feature film, Yann Moix assured that “the film will be released”.

A first film that could perhaps lead to a second. Yann Moix announced his wish to make another trip with Gérard Depardieu to North Korea, to go once again “to meet the North Korean people. Traveling is meeting people, and in North Korea, it is there is a people who live, except that it is a people who are more difficult to meet than in other countries”, explained Yann Moix.

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