Video games: Nintendo Switch exceeds 6 million sales in France

The console will soon surpass the total sales of Nintendo’s Wii, which had reached 6.3 million units sold

Nintendo’s Switch console sold 1.3 million copies in France in 2021, bringing its total to more than 6.1 million sales since its release in March 2017, we learned on Monday from the video game giant.

“2021 was the second best year for the Switch in France, after the record recorded in 2020”

“2021 was the second best year for the Switch in France, after the record recorded in 2020”, explained Philippe Lavoué, general manager of Nintendo France.

This will soon surpass the total sales of Nintendo’s Wii, which had reached 6.3 million units sold. Nintendo now hopes to exceed 7 million Switches sold in total in 2022 in the country, despite tensions over electronic component supplies that prevent it from producing as many machines as it wants.

“Fifa”, the king of games sold

On the games side, it was once again the annual edition of the “Fifa” football simulation that topped the sales rankings, adding up all the versions released.

The Switch, however, placed nine titles in the Top 10, with both games released in 2021 (“Pokémon Sparkling Diamond” and “Pokémon Sparkling Pearl” which together exceed 700,000 copies in total).

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