VIDEO – “I almost did something stupid”: Vianney, his secret fight to protect his family

His family, his battle. In a relationship with the cellist Catherine Robert, Vianney “adopted” her daughter-in-law and can congratulate herself on the strong bonds forged with her. In 2021, the singer also announced the birth of his own son, Edgar. A lovely blended family which he displayed with modesty, from behind, in the clip of its title “Now”, performed in duet with Renaud. Guest on the set of What an era! on the evening of Saturday December 16, the 32-year-old artist returned to the importance of these intimate images and their presentation to a wide audience.

I wanted to put them on because this song was important to me”, revealed Vianney initially. But that’s not all. In fact, the coach of The Voicealso indicated to our colleagues that revealing these family videos was also a way for him to reclaim images that were stolen from him by paparazzi. “In recent years, we have had our images of intimate life moments stolen a lot, it made me sick, that thing. So honestly, I’m not afraid of anything, but some crazy things happened to me with this story. I ran some [des paparazzis]. I almost did something stupid” detailed the interpreter of “Not there”. Visibly surprised by these revelations, Léa Salamé then questioned him as follows: “You fought?” And his illustrious interlocutor retorts: “I held back, Léa, because I am well brought up. But yes, it drives me crazy because it’s theft. These moments, they are sacred to me.”

>> PHOTOS – Vianney the lover: her most beautiful photos with Catherine Robert

“Before, I was never afraid”

Experiencing fatherhood definitely revealed in Vianney a protective side. “Before, I was never afraid. Then, I became a parent. I’m afraid of the future. Not mine, but theirs”, he sings in the title “Now”. A new outlook on the world that he also detailed in an interview given to Ciné Télé Revuelast November: “Becoming a dad changes priorities. It shifts the navel.”And added: “Suddenly, there is this fragile little being who arrives. We are responsible for it. And we take life.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot France 2

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