Video: Illusion baffles: Green Needle or Brainstorm?

Acoustic deception
This hallucination amazes millions – and it sure asks you too!

Do you fancy an acoustic illusion?


It is well known that our brains sometimes play tricks on us – but this current TikTok trend shows once again that everything is far from what it seems …

Everyone knows optical illusions – but acoustic ones? At least since the worldwide "Yanny / Laurel" discussion a few years ago we got a taste for it and love to challenge our ears. A new TikTok trend is currently doing just that with millions of Internet users. Because what the robot voice wants to tell us from the clip is by no means as clear as one would assume.

"Green Needle" or Brainstorm?

In the video you can test your ears and find out whether you let yourself be led on the black ice, like millions of others.

Source, Twitter
