Video: Intimate Things Happy Couples Do That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

7 intimate things happy couples do that have NOTHING to do with sex

A partnership allows us to experience very special moments together.


In a relationship, even the little things often have a very special meaning. Because not only sex can be intimate. In the video you can find out how other happy couples get close

Sex is a very important thing in a relationship. However, there are other moments that you only experience when you feel really close to someone. The feeling is incomparably beautiful and only occurs with a very special person. The best: The situations are often completely everyday and ordinary, but your feelings are breathtaking and extraordinary.

Intimacy without sex

Without question, intimacy can be achieved through sex with the right partner. However, over time, you realize that other moments can be at least as intimate. These things show how close you are even though they have nothing to do with sex.
