VIDEO – “It’s striking!” : François Hollande laughs at the resemblance between Gabriel Attal and Nicolas Sarkozy

Since his appointment as Prime Minister on January 9, Gabriel Attal, 34, has been at the heart of discussions among many French people. Guest on the set of C to youthis Thursday, April 4, François Hollande, former President of the Republic, spoke of the young politician’s similarities with Nicolas Sarkozy: “Gabriel Attal does not look like Emmanuel Macron, although there may be similarities. He looks like Nicolas Sarkozy, it’s true, it’s even striking. Same gestures, same words, same formulas, same communication, same foolproof use of ‘I’.”

Mohamed Bouhasfi then asks Julie Gayet’s husband if this is why Nicolas Sarkozy often compliments Gabriel Attal. To which he responds, not without amusement: “It’s always nice when someone imitates you.” This Wednesday, April 3, Nicolas Sarkozy, in fact, sang the praises of the Prime Minister to BFMTV: “He is as he is and he doesn’t need to imitate anyone. He devotes himself to his task with passion, that’s what counts.” Carla Bruni’s husband even assures that Emmanuel Macron’s right arm has “the qualities” to become the next President of the Republic.

>> PHOTOS – François Hollande and Julie Gayet: a look back at 10 years of love in pictures

Gabriel Attal and Nicolas Sarkozy: this one-on-one lunch that gets people talking

For several months, Nicolas Sarkozy has been something of a mentor to Gabriel Attal. On March 31, The Parisian revealed the numerous advice given by the former head of state to the Prime Minister. In September 2023, the two men, in fact, shared a meal with “advice” supplement. Louis Sarkozy’s father invited Isabelle Boulay’s friend, rue de Miromesnil, to meet him one-on-one and offered a coaching session to the young man, still Minister of National Education at that time. Together, the two politicians also reportedly discussed the presidential elections. Nicolas Sarkozy asked Gabriel Attal: “Why wouldn’t you think of it, after all?” Question to which he would have answered: “But I, my whole life, have been told that I am too young.” If the owner of Volta has not yet announced his candidacy, for many people, the Prime Minister will undoubtedly be one of the candidates for 2027.

Photo credits: Screenshot France 5

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