VIDEO – Jean-Michel Jarre with his son David in C à vous: their touching confidences

A reunion that is a pleasure to see. This Thursday, May 16, Jean-Michel Jarre was present on the set of C to you, alongside his son David, the fruit of his past love affair with Charlotte Rampling. One was invited to talk about his role as sponsor of the first edition of the “Cannes Immersive” competition, the other to talk about his show mosaic, for which he is on tour throughout France. On set, father and son shared tender confidences about the first steps in the magic of David Jarre. “The first time he performed a magic trick on you in public, I think he was twelve years old and it was on the occasion of the inauguration of your wax statue at the Grévin museum, right?“, asked Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, wanting to know more. “Effectively. I wasn’t particularly proud of the result.“, he said.

Faced with the astonishment of the host of France 5, Jean-Michel Jarre immediately clarified that he was talking about his wax statue and not his son’s performance. “As for my appearance!“, he underlined, under the amused gaze of David Jarre. “I had nothing to do with it! It wasn’t related to the illusion!“, added the man who is today a magician. And his illustrious father added: “The magic, as far as my performance was concerned, wasn’t exactly there. But fortunately, David made up for it!“, concluded Gong Li’s companion.

>> PHOTOS – Jean-Michel Jarre: who are the women who marked his life?

David Jarre: why he didn’t have a career in music

As Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine recalled on the set of C to you, David Jarre hesitated for a long time to make music. The person concerned, tired of being constantly compared to his father, finally gave up this career choice. “I was playing guitar and singing, as soon as I composed songs, stuff like that, it was horrible because I immediately put pressure on myself. This is immediately the comparison. We don’t even give time to evolve“, he explained in a report unearthed by the France 5 teams. “Finally, I realized that this was not my vocation. By doing something else, that is to say magic, it completely freed me“, he summarized in the show Rinse your bathtub in 1999. And his father remains no less proud.

Photo credits: Screenshot France 5

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