VIDEO – Julie Leclerc very discreet since the death of her husband Gérard, a relative gives news: “She sees very few people”

Confidences on C8. Guest on the set of the show At the house of Jordan Luxury, a close friend of Julie Leclerc, Maryse Gildas, gave her news. Since the tragic death of her husband Gérard, the former host of Europe 1 has been very discreet and has never spoken publicly about this tragedy. Her husband, also the father of her children, died on August 15, 2023 in a passenger plane accident in Loire-Atlantique. During his interview with Maryse Gildas, the former wife of host Philippe Gildas, who died in 2018, Jordan De Luxe took the opportunity to ask for news of the former radio host. “We met not long ago to go see the play Laurent Ruquier on the Mona Lisa. We are the two little widows, the two poor widows! [Rires.] It’s true that it’s tragic.”she first explained, before continuing: “I try as best I can to help her, I call her from time to time. At the beginning, it was difficult, she didn’t want to see anyone, besides, she sees very few people. And there, she agreed, it must be one of his first outings.”

Since the announcement of the death of Gérard Leclerc, Maryse Gildas has always checked in on the 74-year-old woman, who is trying as best she can to live without the love of her life“She’s alive, she’s here, I don’t know if she’s better, but she’s making an effort.”, confided Maryse Gildas. A tender tribute which will undoubtedly warm the heart of Julie Leclerc.

⋙ PHOTOS – Funeral of Gérard Leclerc: his brother Julien Clerc dignified in pain

Julie and Gérard Leclerc: an idyllic love

Julie and Gérard Leclerc represented a perfect couple who loved each other like the first day. Last August, Pascal Praud paid tribute to the half-brother of singer Julien Clerc in his column published in The Sunday Journal. “Gérard had incredible charm. I understand Julie for coming on board for the trip of a lifetime”he first explained, before quoting a colleague they had in common on Europe 1: Catherine Nay told me on the phone in recent hours how the couple they formed in the corridors of Europe 1 in the 1980s spread unrivaled happiness.” The two lovebirds, madly in love, married in July 1981 and welcomed, a few years later, three children: the twins Matthieu and Antoine, born in 1982, and Charlotte, born in 1987. All five lived a peaceful life , happy and full of love, far from the spotlight.

Article written with the collaboration of 6medias

Photo credits: C8 screenshot

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