VIDEO – Lorie Pester suffering from endometriosis: this letter written to Emmanuel Macron

Since many years, Lorie made endometriosis its fight. The singer does not hesitate to share her testimony in his fight against disease. In October 2019, Lorie had also decided to confide through a book entitled Things in my life. And, the interpreter of Your best friend is preparing to publish a new work called Relive in which she tells her story and in particular her hysterectomysurgery to remove the uterus. Guest on the set of the show Click, on Canal+, this Thursday January 25, Lorie mentioned the letter she wrote to Emmanuel Macron in 2019. “Are we not putting too much pressure on women with this story of demographic rearmament?”, Mouloud Achour asked him.

Yesreplied Lorie. If we have fewer babies, it’s because perhaps we don’t want to have them as much, and it’s a little complicated too when you want to do it.” The singer then stressed the need to setting up things for medically assisted procreation or egg freezing. “At the time, I went to see Agnes Buzyn for egg freezing in France because it was still forbidden”, she explained. “I wrote to Emmanuel Macron because I had to freeze my eggs in Spain because they said I was not affected enough”, she continued. Before specifying: “Even though I still had a serious illness that could prevent me from having children..” A situation “hypocritical according to the singer. “All the countries around us do this, why don’t we do it?”, she asked herself. A long fight for the one who became the mother of a little girl named Nina, now three years old.

⋙ PHOTOS – Lorie Pester: her physical evolution

Lorie opens up about her hysterectomy

Faced with Mouloud Achour, Lorie also spoke about the surgical operation she underwent, namely a hysterectomy, consisting of removing the uterus. “An operation that was very complicatedunderlined the artist. It was very hard for me to make a decision.” Because the singer had to choose between “the pain” Or “the possibility of having children”. But, after discussing it with her companion Yann Dernaucourt, Lorie decided to take the plunge. And, now, she no longer suffers. She “can work”, “sit for a long time”, “stand for a long time”, “work properly”. She lives again.

Photo credits: Canal+

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