Video: motion sickness – child suffers from child seat for months

For over a year, a boy cried every time he drove in the car – until his parents discovered the cause of the "motion sickness".

For 18 months, the British Nichola Griffiths had to deal with the fact that her two-year-old son screamed and howled incessantly every time he drove in the car. Every tear was probably a stab in the mother's heart – because who can watch their child suffer? But some car journeys cannot be avoided – and so the family had to come to terms with the child's "motion sickness" for better or worse. But now it turned out that the problems while driving had a completely different cause – which luckily did not result in any serious injury. One cannot imagine how Nichola must have felt when she finally made the discovery in her car that shed a whole new light on the alleged "motion sickness".

Motion sickness in child: you can do that!

It is not surprising that Nichola has not figured out the real problem in her car for so long – after all, many children suffer from pronounced motion sickness. This is extremely uncomfortable, especially on long journeys – fortunately, you can often avert the worst with these immediate measures.

  • Look out of the window: Motion sickness is mainly caused by the confusing signals for the body, which on the one hand sits quietly and yet moves at the same time. That is why the old nautical trick often helps to look at the horizon – or from the moving car into the distance. Try to draw your children's attention to things that pass you a few miles away!
  • Distraction: It also helps if the child doesn't think about how badly they are all the time – if you keep talking and distract them, that makes a lot of difference. Tip: The best thing to do is to play a search game in which objects as far away as possible have to be spied out of the car window.
  • Chewing gum: an unbeatable immediate measure! Preferably with the strongest mint aroma possible – this can keep the nausea at bay!

The sad secret in the child seat

In this case, however, motion sickness was actually not the cause of the crying spasms while driving – in the video you can see the real reason that guaranteed the boy's parents to have a lump in their throats!
