Video: Oliver Pocher: He makes a tough judgment on Laura Müller

Oliver Pocher
He falls tough judgment on Laura Müller

Oliver Pocher doubts Laura's intelligence with a clear statement.


In the latest podcast episode of "Die Pochers hier!" makes it clear to Oliver Pocher what he really thinks about Laura. His judgment is pretty harsh.

Oliver Pocher is currently again not mincing words. Most recently in his latest podcast episode, which revolves around Laura Müller and Wendler. That the comedian doesn't say a good word about the couple's relationship is nothing new. But now his words are directed specifically against Laura.

"Because it's so hollow"

Amira Pocher tries to calm her husband down, but Olli has already talked himself into a rage. In the end, he bets how many years Laura and Wendler will be together before they split up. You can find out exactly what his bad prognosis is in the video.
