Video: This really happens when parents just say "Yes!" say

Parent experiment
That happens when parents say "Yes!" say

When children are in charge, there are many surprises for parents


No "no" and no prohibitions: A family tests what it is like when mom and dad are only allowed to answer "yes" for one day.

In the new Netflix production "Yes Day", the Yes Day is a real miracle cure for the stressed family: Jennifer Garner recognizes in the role of the exasperated mother that the family has turned her from a fun-loving woman into a real brake on fun – and that rules and prohibitions often remain important and useful. In the film, the day without parents- "No" leads to a lot of fun and greater respect within the family – and in real life?

"I found it hard to take …"

A family tries it out for a day and films themselves with the camera. After initial hesitation, the children quickly make use of their new power – and in doing so cause many surprises for their parents.

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