Video: Your dog's sleeping position says a lot about its character

The dog is man's best friend, but how well do you really know your four-legged friend? Pretty good?

But you probably didn't know what your dog's sleeping position meant, right? Because: How your animal lies down to sleep gives us deep insights into his soul life and character. Is he on the side? On the back? Is he curling up?

Depending on how the fur nose closes his eyes, you can see what kind of character he has and what kind of relationship he has with his owner.

This will help you understand your dog better

If you are not yet familiar with your dog's sleeping behavior, it is always worthwhile to observe your dog a few times. The more you know about your loyal companion, the better you can understand him and build a deeper bond with him.

The cute four-legged friends are actually real professionals when it comes to expressing what they want. However, many owners are careless and do not know how to interpret the signs their dogs give them.

Are you curious to find out what your dog's favorite sleeping position will tell you? Then watch the video right above – there are all the answers!