Vincent Cassel + Diane Krüger + David Cronenberg: the trailer for a science fiction film that everyone will be talking about in the coming days!

Just two years after Les Crimes du futur, David Cronenberg returns to Cannes with “Les Linceuls” (“The Shrouds”) with Vincent Cassel and Diane Krüger. Discover the first images of the film which will be released on September 25 in France.

Just two years after Les Crimes du futur, David Cronenberg returns to Cannes with Les Linceuls (The Shrouds) with Vincent Cassel and Diane Krüger.

The pitch? Karsh, 50, is a renowned businessman. Inconsolable since the death of his wife, he invents a revolutionary and controversial system, GraveTech, which allows the living to connect to their loved ones in their shrouds. One night, several graves, including that of his wife, are vandalized. Karsh sets out to find the culprits.

This project is inspired by a personal and painful loss for the director, the loss of his wife Carolyn Cronenberg in 2017, lost to a long illness at only 66 years old. “People who know me well will know which parts of the film are autobiographical“, indicated the director in the columns of Première. The film will be released in theaters on September 25, 2024.

Reunion with Vincent Cassel

The 81-year-old filmmaker finds Vincent Cassel for the 3rd time after Les Promesses de l’ombre in 2007 and A Dangerous Method in 2011.

Gravetech Productions Inc. / SBS Productions

Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger

A very personal project

“The short film Death of David Cronenberg is me coming to terms with my death, embracing it metaphorically and literally. And then my wife died in 2017. We were married for forty-three years. A big part of me died with her.”

“This film is also a way of embracing her, of embracing this part of her that was me. Of course, you can’t know it when you watch it, we have to tell you “, underlined the director. Vincent Cassel will play a sort of alter-ego of the director.

Les Shrouds will be presented in competition at Cannes on Monday May 20, 2024, then the film will be released nationally on September 25, 2024.

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