Vinci Airports continues to close the gap in passenger traffic compared to 2019 – 10/13/2022 at 18:07

(AOF) – The private airport operator Vinci Airports published passenger traffic in the third quarter of 2022 up 85% – to 56 million passengers – compared to the third quarter of 2021, reducing the gap with 2019 to 22% or 5 points better than in the previous quarter. Traffic dynamics this summer have been strong in Europe, where operational disruptions have been limited at the group’s airports, and at airports in Central America and the Caribbean where traffic now exceeds that of 2019.

Traffic growth, which is still limited in Asia, could accelerate in the winter season with the gradual easing of restrictions in several countries.

Tourist and affinity traffic has returned to its 2019 level. The dynamic of traffic on European platforms now exceeds that of other regions, with a higher level of recovery and flight load factors clearly above the other regions (load factor average at almost 85%).

Airports in Central America and the Caribbean are consolidating the market shares gained during the crisis and welcomed a record number of passengers in the third quarter.

The planned easing of travel restrictions in Asia should encourage the acceleration of international traffic there for the winter season.


Concern and Caution

La Capeb wants to be cautious in its forecasts for the whole year. It expects business growth of between 1.5 and 2.5% in 2022 due to economic uncertainties and rising prices. For its part, the French Building Federation (FFB) is expressing its concerns about the fall in sales of new housing for 2023. It also calls for measuring the impact of the ecological and digital transition on the sector. The RE2020 standard would thus generate additional costs of 5 to 12%. She would like to see a “National Construction Council” set up, recalling that the sector created more than 8,000 jobs during the first quarter.

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