Violence against a firefighter on May 1 in Paris: towards a dismissal of the trial

The lawyers of the 38-year-old woman suspected of having assaulted a firefighter during the May 1 demonstration in Paris will ask for the referral of her trial to the criminal court, said Wednesday one of them, Me Aïnoha Pascual, to AFP.

If their client confirms this request at the hearing (which should begin at 1:30 p.m.), the trial will be postponed to a later date, between fifteen days and six weeks, the dismissal being of right in immediate appearance. The criminal court will however have to rule on any measures of deprivation of liberty of the defendant until her trial. Pre-trial detention may be requested by the prosecution.

Civil party police headquarters

Hager A, 38, is suspected of having hit the helmet of a firefighter and tried to prevent him from putting out a fire during the May Day demonstration in Paris. After 48 hours in police custody, she was referred to the prosecution for an immediate appearance. She is prosecuted for violence against a person in charge of a public service mission, contempt, rebellion, participation in a group with a view to committing violence or degradation during a demonstration and obstructing the arrival of help intended to fight a disaster. dangerous for people.

The prefect of police announced Wednesday morning by a publication on Twitter that he was a civil party in this case. The Paris fire brigade is indeed placed under his authority in the capital. “He is alongside the general and the brigade of the Paris firefighters, unit of excellence of the police headquarters”, adds the tweet, while this Wednesday is the International Day of the profession.

The attacked firefighter also filed a complaint.

On the videos taken during the May Day demonstration posted on social networks, we see the suspect, orange helmet on her head and red backpack, trying to snatch the fire hose from a firefighter in the process of put out a fire started by demonstrators. After several unsuccessful attempts, she strikes him twice on the helmet before being overpowered.

This attack sparked outrage, especially on social media. ” It’s enough ! Shame on the savagery, incomprehensible this new aggression vis-à-vis the firefighters of Paris in the exercise of their functions, to protect people, the property of the City and the smooth running of the demonstration, “the firefighters tweeted. -Paris firefighters shortly after the events. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin had denounced “unacceptable violence”.

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