Violence against children: how to protect them?

The first confinement resulted in a considerable increase in violence against children. Should we fear a new peak on the occasion of this reconfinement? We talked about it with Nathalie Cougny, president of the association "Les maltreatances, moi je je suis parle".

Each year in France, more than 100,000 children are in danger. An underestimated figure according to associations, which count more than 300,000. According to Ipsos, 165,000 minors are also victims of rape or attempted rape every year … or one every hour (a figure higher than for the adults). Worse, a child dies every 4 days from a parent's beatings. You should know that 80% of mistreatment takes place within the family.

During the first confinement, there was unfortunately a sharp increase in reports of violence against children. 119 (the “Hello Childhood in Danger” phone line) recorded an 89% increase in calls, and police interventions increased by 46%. Since October 30, the French have been confined again and associations fear an upsurge in violence against children. Nathalie Cougny, president of the association Abuse, I talk about it, explains how to protect the children during this meeting.

Become aware of the extent of the scourge

For our expert, the peak of violence observed during the first confinement clearly shows the reality and that there is "A significant phenomenon of abuse and violence against children". In particular, this made some people aware of the scale of the scourge. Moreover, it was during this period that we understood the importance of 119: “There has been a lot of talk about 119 and the children, who usually endure violence and found themselves helpless during confinement, were able to react thanks to this number. It is important to put the means necessary to reach the children and allow them to contact someone. "
Just before creating her association, Nathalie Cougny was able to educate 450 children during her interventions in schools. “What came out was that a lot of children are afraid of their parents. This is not abuse, but it is a factor that proves that there is a relationship problem between parents and children. A child should not be afraid of his parents ”, she says. Before adding: “Many children are also beaten for nothing. Abuse does not only occur in sensitive areas and the public does not know it. There is a problem of violence at all levels. "

Read also: "School saved me" this mother victim of abuse during her childhood testifies

Don't stop prevention

According to the expert, children do not know their rights, they do not know what is prohibited and what is not, especially when it comes to sexual violence. "So there is real prevention work to be done and that is why, with our association, we are addressing children directly. Several cases of children in serious danger emerged during our interventions and they were taken care of. They are quite adept at understanding and they feel very concerned, because these are things they experience every day to number of them. A child has knowledge, emotions, so it is important to consider him as a person and not as something who must nevertheless obey, without giving his opinion ”, she says.

In schools, she encourages educational staff to carry out prevention work with students. Nathalie Cougny also believes that it is essential to continue the information campaigns on 119, to reach a maximum number of children. Also, he insists on the fact that it is essential to train all professionals. For her part, she will, with her association, continue to educate children in schools: “If the schools ever close, we have other plans to raise awareness, such as an animated short. Prevention is necessary and everyone I talk to about it agrees sure this subject, there is a real lack on that side. "

Read also: This is why spanking must be banned in France (and elsewhere)

Explain how to behave with children

The only thing that could prevent a new peak in violence during this second confinement: the fact that schools are open. “It's important that children can get out of their homes, but also not drop out of school. And even if the constraints of sanitary measures are not obvious for the little ones, it allows them to have a social life outside the family ", she explains. And to continue: “The fact that learning is still accessible is important. When a child is dropping out of school, it creates other difficulties behind with the parents, who are not necessarily able to help them. "

Unfortunately, this will not prevent the phenomenon of abuse. “With Covid-19, there are going to be other problems, related to the wearing of masks and the distancing that remains a factor of anxiety for children. In addition, parents will be more depressed, some will lose their jobs, etc. This anxiety-provoking climate can thus cause difficulties at home, and children often take the stress of parents. These phenomena will be complicated to manage for a lot of parents, because they do not necessarily know how of the child, which is very different from that of the adult. This is kind of the problem for most people; Childhood, early childhood, is essential for the construction of a child and it is proven today that any form of abuse will have an impact on his psychological and / or physical health ", she warns.

During this time, children need even more stability and reassurance. For Nathalie Cougny, however, you should not lie to them, but explain things to them with appropriate words, so as not to create additional fear (and therefore, an additional problem).

On the parents' side, the expert says it is important to have campaigns to explain to them "How to behave with children" : “They shouldn't blame their aggression on themselves. They must be taught to put things into perspective. We must talk to them to ensure that this scourge does not amplify. Especially with young parents who ask a lot of questions and who are not always able to understand what is going on without traumatizing them. This is something that is still missing today in prevention campaigns. "

There are also numbers to contact for parents on the verge of parental burnout:

  • Allo Parents baby: 0 800 00 3456
  • Allô Parents Confinés from the Parents' School: 0805 382 300
  • Parenthood sos: 0974 763 963

Here are the numbers to contact if you are a witness / victim of violence:

  • Hello childhood in danger: 119
  • Domestic violence: 3919 or an SMS to 114