Violent act while intoxicated – Despite the knife attack and the scar, “stay my friend”

Two people from Lungau were drinking beer together when a bloody incident occurred: a serious wound to the neck caused by a knife. Only: Nobody really knows how it happened. The accused perpetrator, who was also a lifesaver, received a partial prison sentence in Salzburg.

December 2nd in a rural village in Lungau. It was 10 a.m. when the cell phone of the accused Lungau resident (56) rang. “I called him and asked if we wanted to drink beer together,” said the victim as a witness at the trial on Wednesday in the regional court, and also described the accused as a friend: “We often helped each other.” He had brought a case of beer with him that day, and the accused also served a honey wine.Alcohol, jokes and a stab woundThere was talking, discussion and obviously some joking – because a stupid joke about the daughter of the accused’s partner made the man angry, the victim still remembers. But they continued drinking, an acquaintance even stopped by for a bottle and left again.Suddenly, at around 3 p.m., an emergency call reached the rescue team: about a bleeding wound on the neck, inflicted with a knife. Stab, cut? Neither the victim nor the perpetrator can remember the details. Both had up to three per mille in their blood. The only thing that is certain is that the defendant had closed the bleeding wound after the crime, and thus probably saved the victim’s life. A paramedic also testified to this. And the victim also said: “I’m glad that he intervened and saved my life.” The man from Lungau accepted the defendant’s apology: They shook hands, hugged briefly, and those attending the trial heard the words: “We’ll still be friends, though.” After the confession to intentionally causing serious bodily harm, the judge pronounced two years’ suspended imprisonment, six of which were unconditional.
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