Viral Product – How to keep your pockets and pencil cases clean

It’s always amazing which products on TikTok become viral sales hits. For example, the “clean ball” that is supposed to keep dirt away from pen cases and bags.

The hashtag “Sauberkugel” has already had over 4.8 million hits. And growing, with thousands of people flocking to Amazon to buy them. And: The viral (and reusable) part does not even cost 10 euros on Amazon. The “Sauberkugel” is a small but fine cleaning product that fits in every pocket. It sucks up sticky dirt, crumbs, etc. from the bottom of your bag that would otherwise collect there. All you have to do is place the ball on the bottom of your pocket and wait. Cleaning is also very easy: Just rinse under hot water and you can use them again!SAUBERKUGEL® for the bag. PinkReusable bag cleaner for handbags, school bags and backpacks, silicone and PVC-free (3.5 cm)In 10 colours9.89€Click here for the “clean ball”. You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, you can find offers and discounts in our voucher portal. This article was created in editorial independence. As an Amazon partner, however, we earn from qualified sales. The prices may vary on a daily basis.
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