Virginie Efira: “Everything is unlocked”, her rare secrets about her romantic relationships

For the start of the school year, Virginie Efiraresplendent at Cannes last May, sees things in a big way since she is on the bill, not of one film, but of two: Other people’s children by Rebecca Zlotowski and See Paris again alongside Benoît Magimel. On this occasion, she gave a long interview to the magazine Psychology, in which she confided in herself, in her life, her temperament, her relationship with men…

She particularly praised her “listening skills“, before finding a fault: “It’s always bad in a relationship. Even worse in a group: for a long time I had the reflex to put myself in everyone’s shoes, with the risk of losing my identity. When you’re insecure, you can confuse empathy with the desire to please.“. She also explains that her move from Brussels to Paris did not necessarily change who she was, but that it was more her job that made her evolve.

“I didn’t know how to do it”

Finding a seat in my job, for example, gave me more confidence in my personal relationships. And the characters you play can be very different, basically you always get to play yourself. That too, it advances“, she thus declared. She especially thanks her parents for having it “left free in my desires as an actress“, with each a different way of doing things. His father putting more “emphasis on the work involved, pointing out gaps or shortcomings“and her mother by being lighter, she who had”an appetite for existence“. But despite her parents’ approval, she will quickly find herself blocked by a kind of inner fear.

I pass the competition of the conservatory, I enter but there I am paralyzed. And I feel that I’m disappointing… I felt that I was leaving with a deficit”. A blockage that she also experienced in her romantic relationships. “With men, I didn’t know how to do, what to give or what to show (…) My only way to get out of it was to confront myself with places where I hurt, relationships that hurt, just to understand why it hurt. And then one day I woke up (…), I ended up losing this little person in me who was constantly judging me. And everything is unlocked“.

Today, Ali’s mother (the fruit of her love affair with director Mabrouk El Mechri) is having a wonderful romance with actor Niels Schneider, whom she met on the set ofAn impossible love.

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