Vision board for the new year: How to make your dreams a reality

With a vision board you always have your goals in mind. You can read here why this will make you more productive and motivated and how you can do it.

Vision Board: What exactly is it?

A vision board is a kind of collage, which consists of different images. Texts or words are also permitted. The goal: Visualize your own wishes and dreams, so you feel inspired and motivated every day. Many people swear by this success strategy because it makes goals more tangible. What does that mean specifically?

Everything goes on your vision board what you would still like to achieve. Do you want to travel to a specific place? Then a beautiful shot of this city goes on your vision board. Maybe also an excerpt from an article you read about it. Do you want to move? Find a nice photo of an apartment that you really like and place it on your vision board too.

Important: This type of motivational collage is not just for a single goal thought. Rather, it is a small collection of all your dreams that you would like to turn into reality. You can either have a vision board very old school Create with scissors, tape and paper. Or you can opt for the digital version and create a collage on your laptop. We’ll get to more detailed tips and tricks on how to make it later. But first we should clarify an important question: Why should pictures help you achieve your dreams? That almost sounds too simple. And yet the method is extremely effective!

Why does a vision board help me achieve my goals?

Some of us have been trying to achieve our goals for several months and haven’t really made any progress. Who doesn’t know it – good New Year’s resolutions remain resolutions. Look at a few pictures every day – can this really make a difference? If you really commit to the method, your drive and self-motivation will grow through the vision board collage. For the following reasons:

1. Nothing is forgotten

Can you still remember all yours? Resolutions from last year remember? Even! A resolution is quickly made and forgotten even more quickly. We have so much to do in everyday life that dreams often remain dreams because our focus is scattered. Through a motivational collage you confront yourself with your desires every day and your dream life. You see them in front of you, which is why they can no longer be forgotten.

2. You will be held accountable

It’s best to hang the vision board clearly visible in your home. But that also means that Guests, friends or your partner can take a look at it. And that’s a good thing: because then there are no more excuses! If we secretly make resolutions and don’t follow through with them, we get out of things pretty easily. However, others know, we have much greater motivation (due to social pressure) to stick to it. A little trick that can boost ambition.

3. You get used to the new you

Some goals sound nice. But if we’re being completely honest, a lot of it just feels unattainable at. Traveling to Hawaii or treating yourself to a really expensive car: Yes, that would be nice. But How will that ever come true? If this idea sounds familiar, you should definitely try the vision board method.

With the vision board you can avoid these unproductive ones “This will never happen anyway” thoughtsthat slow us down. Rather, you focus on the positive “What if” feeling – and that is much more motivating! You stand in front of the vision board, see the pictures from Hawaii and imagine how incredibly beautiful it would be to experience this moment live. If you do this every day, you anchor this longing so deeply within you, that you will make this dream come true. Point!

How do I create a vision board?

The first thing you should do is create a small list in which you write down goals, that you really want to achieve. Also think about a rough period of time – for example one year or two years. For those in a hurry it can also be 6 months. Once you’ve made the list, now it’s time to choose the right image material and then build a collage with it. As already mentioned at the beginning, you have two options: analog and digital.

Create a vision board: analog or digital?

If you don’t like working on a laptop or PC, it’s best to choose them analog variant. Pictures are printed out or cut out of magazines and then glued to reinforced cardboard. Text passages or quotes are of course also permitted if they speak to you. Once you have filled the entire cardboard wall with pictures and possibly texts, you can hang up your self-made collage.

Who would rather digital can also create a vision board with their own computer. However, you need one for this Image editing program. If you’re not a technology lover, you can also Vision board apps To fall back on. Depending on the app, these can be used either on a PC, laptop or conveniently on a cell phone. But the principle is the same: you get a few pictures again, place them next to each other and create a vision board in this way. Practical: The apps are already equipped with many stock photos that you can use for free. A few well-known apps are, for example Canva, VisuaApp or PicMonkey. The digitally created vision board should then be printed out so that you can see it every day.

Both methods bring Advantages and disadvantages with yourself. Using the analog method, you can create really large vision boards and quickly swap out images if a photo doesn’t really appeal to you. You can print out the digitally created vision board several times and hang it up in different places. It’s best to just try out what suits you the most.

Where is the best place to hang the vision board?

A vision board should best be hung there, where you see it as often as possible during the day. Maybe next to the kitchen cupboard, next to the mirror or – if you want something more hidden – on the inside of a wardrobe door. The goal is very clear: Your eyes should land on the vision board as often as possible. Then our subconscious kicks in and your goal remains omnipresent.

Vision Board: Are there any disadvantages?

Depending on the effort involved, a vision board can be created quite quickly. So it doesn’t necessarily take a lot of time. But there is still one small disadvantage: We can’t rely on the vision board alone! A well-made motivational collage can definitely bring you the right inspiration. That’s half the battle. But in the end, of course, it takes Plotto put theory into practice. We should never forget that.

That’s why it’s recommended to use the vision board tactic to combine with other methods, So that you can actually take action – and not just dream about it. These tips, for example, can help you to increase your productivity. The strategy called Eat the Frog is also helpful because it helps you stop putting things off. And if you don’t have the time in the day to actively work toward your goal, the Ivy Lee method can help you improve your time management.


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