Vodafone works with Cardano

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are not new territory for Vodafone: Two years ago, the mobile phone provider auctioned off the first SMS ever sent using blockchain technology for a good cause. Now he wants largest German network operator launch their first own NFT collection – and relies on the Cardano blockchain for this. This has been confirmed by the German branch of the British company on the company’s Discord channel. Vodafone also announced there that the NFT collection should appear later this year, although it is still in the planning phase.

The choice fell on the Cardano (ADA) blockchain because it is characterized by “community, sustainability, [und] Cross-chain opportunities”, it goes on to say. However, it has not yet been decided which properties the unique tokens should bring with them. However, the first 1,000 members of the Vodafone Discord community should receive rewards.

Vodafone NFTs and the Crypto Adoption

The official confirmation was preceded by a tweet that gave an idea of ​​what the company’s Discord server could be about:

The so-called minting, i.e. the creation of the NFTs, is taken over by NMKR. Its CEO Patrick Tobler confirmed via Twitter that his company was responsible for creating the NFT collection. And wrote underneath: “Corporate adoption in the real world – what do you think Charles Hoskinson?”

The Cardano inventor himself has not yet commented on the planned NFT collection. One of the reasons for this could be that his company recently released a new Cardano update that is intended to make the blockchain more user-friendly. For a short time, this seemed to fuel the ADA course. On a weekly basis, the index has calmed down, but is at $0.29 at the time of writing – up 7 percent from a day ago.

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