Voice assistant: Apple will abandon its famous “Hey Siri” formula

If the Apple brand wants to simplify its voice command application, the changes are not expected for several months.

Until now, Apple’s voice assistant Siri responded to questions and requests from iPhone, iPad or HomePod owners with two words: “Hey Siri” or “Hey Siri” in English. Send a message, request information, play music… Apple wants to simplify user requests. The American giant will therefore replace in a few months its famous formula previously mentioned by a simple “Siri”. If the change is not significant in itself, it is for the apple brand, which must make Siri understand that it will be ordered just by mentioning its name. “Making the change is a technical challenge that requires a significant amount of Artificial Intelligence training,” explains Bloomberg in particular.

The Tech giant must therefore develop this modification in all languages, and vary its application according to the accents. Why did Apple make this change? Because the company wants to get closer to its competitors. Amazon asks its users to simply say “Alexa” to trigger its voice assistant. For its part, Microsoft has changed its system from “Hey Cortana” to “Cortana”. For now, Google keeps its basic model: its customers can call its voice assistant by saying “Ok Google” or “Hey Google”. However, it will take some time for these changes to take effect. According to Bloomberg, Apple has been working on this change for several months and hopes to roll out this new feature in 2023 or even 2024.

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