Volodymyr Zelensky reports Ukrainian “counter-offensive actions” on the front

Cover image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a joint press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Kyiv, Saturday June 10, 2023. Efrem Lukatsky/AP

  • Russian forces killed three people and injured at least ten others during a drone attack on Odessa Oblast in the early hours of Saturday, according to preliminary information from Ukraine’s Southern Command. All of the drones were destroyed by Ukrainian forces, according to the report.
  • Signs of the start of a Ukrainian counter-offensive are increasing, according to several observers. including the American analysis center Institute for the Study of War, which specifies however that it does not expect “one major operation” but to a series of different coordinated actions, as is the case now.
  • Vladimir Putin affirmed on Friday that the Ukrainian counter-offensive [avait] begin “. “As to whether the offensive [ukrainienne] stalled or not, in any case, it can be said that all attempts at counter-offensive [ukrainienne] made so far have failed. But the offensive potential of the troops of the kyiv regime remains”said the Russian president, according to the TASS news agency.
  • In Ukraine, “The situation remains tense along the entire front line. The epicenter is in the east”, Hanna Maliar, Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister, announced on Telegram. “The enemy continues to concentrate its efforts in the direction of Lyman, Bakhmout, Avdiivka and Marinka”she added, citing the names of towns where fighting has been raging for months.
  • According to local Russian authorities, 8 people died in the floods in the occupied part of the Kherson region. “A total of 22,273 houses in 17 localities are flooded. According to forecasts, the rising waters can last another ten days.says on Telegram Vladimir Saldo, the head of the administration of Kherson. The Ukrainian Interior Ministry announced, for its part, that at least 5 people had been killed and 13 were missing due to the floods. A total of 48 localities are flooded, including 14 in areas under Russian occupation, and 2,412 people have been evacuated on the Ukrainian side, he said on Telegram.
  • Russia will start deploying nuclear warheads in Belarus during the month of July, Vladimir Putin said on Friday, seeming to contradict his ally Alexander Lukashenko, who had announced during the month of May that this transfer had already begun.
  • French Presidents Emmanuel Macron, Polish President Andrzej Duda and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will coordinate over military aid and security guarantees to be provided to Ukraine during a working dinner on Monday at the Elysée, as part of the Weimar triangle, the Elysée announced on Friday.
  • The United States announced a new tranche of military aid to Ukraine on Friday.which mainly concerns anti-aircraft defense equipment and ammunition, of around 2 billion dollars (1.8 billion euros).

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