VSE-SME bosses increasingly worried about the economic situation, according to a study

French VSE-SME bosses seem increasingly worried about the situation of their company, a subject that concerns nearly half of them, according to a study published Monday by the Confederation of SMEs (CPME).

Thus, 47% of them designate the evolution of activity as a priority subject of concern, facing inflation (28%) and recruitment problems (24%). A third (33%) report a deterioration in the overall situation of their company compared to the previous half-year and 24% an improvement. The figures were 27% and 29% respectively in the first half.

More than a third (35%) now announce a drop in their turnover over the half-year, compared to 29% in the previous survey, 42% (compared to 40%) a deterioration in their cash flow. At the same time, 49% report a drop in their margin rate between 2019 and today.

State-guaranteed loans that are sometimes difficult to repay

These companies are also having more and more difficulty obtaining financing from their banks: one manager in ten has even been informed that any credit would be refused, without even a formal request having been submitted. Among the managers who submitted a request for financing during the last twelve months, 58% consider it difficult to access credit and 73% describe a tightening of financing conditions. According to the study, only 52% of cash flow financing and 73% of investment financing requested are obtained.

Finally, 28% of companies having taken out a state-guaranteed loan (PGE) at the time of Covid encounter increased difficulties in repaying the loan and 3% are no longer able to repay it, so many are forced to cease activity. Despite everything, companies are rather satisfied with their relationships with their banks, giving them an overall rating of 3.4 out of 5.

The study is based on an online questionnaire which took place from November 9 to December 4, 2023 and provided 1,418 responses from VSE-SME managers. A recovery by sector was carried out.

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