VW boss makes it clear: There is no way around electric cars

Oliver Blume has taken over the reins from Herbert Diess at VW, while the manager remains head of Porsche. Shortly before he started as VW’s number 1, Blume had spoken out in favor of e-fuels. Now he makes it clear: The Volkswagen Group will continue to rely on electric cars, even more than before.

New VW boss remains loyal to e-cars: Blume wants to do it quickly

Oliver Blume has taken over the helm at Europe’s largest car manufacturer. The CEO of Porsche is now also the chairman of the entire VW group. He succeeds Herbert Diess, whose management style has repeatedly been the subject of internal criticism over the past seven years. Blume wants to do things differently with e-cars, however, he wants to stay true to the Diess course.

“We will be the previous one Maintain pace and increase where possible”, the new boss announced during Volkswagen’s Global Top Management Conference in Lisbon. “I am a Fan of e-mobility and I stand by this path through my work at Porsche,” continued Blume (source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

Previously, his statements about e-fuels had given the impression that VW could be about to change direction in e-mobility. Blume is also not moving away from his fundamental support for e-fuels. Within the VW group, they would mainly play a role at Porsche. “The production makes sense when I in places around the world where sustainable energy is plentiful”said Blume about e-fuels in an interview with the Braunschweiger Zeitung.

You can find out what speaks for and against artificial fuels in our article:

Lease an e-car and collect a bonus of €6,000

There are many challenges ahead for VW and its brands Porsche, Audi, Skoda, Seat and Cupra – to name just a few. flower sees them automotive industry undergoing the greatest transformation in its history. More will change in the next five years than in the previous 50 years.

There are good reasons for, but also against, an electric car:

Software remains a top priority at VW

The brands are said to be given more powers in the future. Especially with the troubled software division Cariad, VW wanted to standardize at least this important branch. Blume will be like its predecessor for the time being also lead the software development – many tasks on one pair of shoulders, but that’s how it has to be, after all, he also wants to make the board leaner in the foreseeable future: nine of the twelve positions should remain.

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