Wages: the CGT-FSU-Solidaires-Unsa inter-union calls for a new mobilization on March 17

After that of January 27 which had gathered more than 150,000 people, the unions are calling again to demonstrate for an increase in wages and purchasing power.

An inter-union bringing together the CGT, the FSU, Solidaires, the Unsa and the youth organizations Fidl, MNL, Unef and VL called Thursday for a new day of interprofessional mobilization on March 17 on wages and purchasing power.

The previous day of strikes and demonstrations, January 27, had mobilized between 89,000 and “more than 150,000” people on the watchword of a general increase in wages at the call of the CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires and youth organizations. The organizations behind this new call for a “day of strike and interprofessional demonstrations” point out in a joint press release that public and private employees, retirees, young people “all share the same priority in the face of the increase in the cost of living: we must increase salaries, pensions, allowances and student grants”.

In December 2021, “Inflation in France reached 2.8% over one year”they note, believing that “the major issue” is of “fighting wage stagnation more than acting sporadically on price trends”. These organizations demand in particular “an immediate increase in all salaries in the private sector and salaries in the public service, starting with the lowest salaries”.

Judging that“there is also an urgent need to implement wage and professional equality between women and men”organizations also call “to a strong day of mobilization, next March 8, on International Women’s Rights Day”. They also offer “to build, from now on, the conditions for a great unitary May Day”.

In a separate statement, six public service unions also called for mobilization on March 17. In addition to the CGT, the Unsa, the FSU and Solidaires, the Autonomous Federation and the CFE-CGC, unaccustomed to participating in strike movements, are signatories to this appeal. In particular, they ask for the unfreezing of the index point, with a revaluation “at least above inflation” to stop the “deterioration of purchasing power”the “feeling of downgrading” and the “recruitment difficulties” in the public service.

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