Walking Dead Quiz: 8 questions about the cult series!

The Walking Quiz continues its journey with this seventh episode. Will you have the courage to face Negan and will you manage to answer these eight questions about this new season?

So here we are at the seventh episode of our series of quizzes dedicated to The Walking Dead, with a new season which features a new character, and not the least: the terrible Negan, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (who has elsewhere was disappointed with the end of the series) perfect in this role.

Before you get started, a quick look back at the previous season, with some information that we could find in the form of questions in our previous quiz.

The first question focused precisely on this bloodthirsty character who appeared at the very end of season 6, already accompanied by his weapon of choice, his now famous studded baseball bat. The question being, what nickname his owner had given him. A formality, since 98% of you responded Lucille!

Another question came back to an event from the third episode, when Glenn found himself in an unfortunate position, isolated on a dumpster, surrounded by prowlers. However, he is not alone in this mess, the question was then to know who was with him in this perilous situation.

75% of you answered correctly by checking Nicholas, who decided in this desperate moment to commit suicide, dragging Glenn down with him. It was only four episodes later that we discovered that the latter had in fact managed to find refuge under the dumpster.

Finally, another question showed a picture of young Carl, an empty and bloody eye socket following a revolver shot which caused him this serious injury. But who was behind this shot? A few fewer correct answers for this question, with 70% answering correctly by pointing to Ron.

These are eight new questions that await you today, on season 7 of The Walking Dead. Will you be stronger than Negan?

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