Walking Dead season 11: the death of this character in episode 20 delights the fans

The end is near in The Walking Dead. And a few episodes from the grand finale, heads are starting to roll, to the delight of fans. Warning, spoilers.

Warning, spoilers. It is advisable to have seen episode 20 of season 11 of The Walking Dead before continuing to read this article.

In this 20th episode of the final season of The Walking Dead, our survivors must escape the soldiers of the Commonwealth, who arrest and capture them one after the other. Only Daryl and Carol seem to get out of it and try as best they can to find their companions.

While searching for their sidekicks, the duo stumble upon Lance Horsnby, who has been locked up by Commonwealth President Pamela Hilton, along with her zombie-turned son Sebastian. Determined to make those responsible for the death of her son pay, Pamela imprisoned Lance and wants to start a lawsuit against Eugene.

Despite their dislike for Lance, Daryl and Carole decide to free him to tell them where the survivors who are repudiated and cast out of the Commonwealth are in hopes of reuniting with their friends. After some scares with the soldiers on their heels, Daryl, Carol and Lance find themselves in the forest.

Fans excited to say goodbye to Lance

Lance hopes to pocket Carol and Daryl by confessing to them that a working train is available for people in the Commonwealth to expand their territory. With this valuable information, Carol and Daryl decide to get rid of Lance, who is no longer useful to them.

The duo let him go but he tries a last desperate move to kill Carol and Daryl but Carol draws her arrow faster than her shadow and kills Lance with a sharp blow. And fans, who adore this villain character on the show, were very happy to say goodbye to Lance.

Translation: “Yes, Lance is finally dead.”

Translation: “Daryl and Carol in this episode!!!! Bye Lance! You messed with the wrong couple!!!”

Translation: “The evil that men do eventually catches up with them. Which means I have no remorse for Lance…”

Translation: “Goodbye Lance! Josh Hamilton has done a phenomenal job and I’m so thankful we have such talent for the final season of The Walking Dead.”

Translation: “I love how they worked together and stroked Lance the wrong way into believing he was safe when they still intended to kill him, they just needed to know the location of their friends. Now he’s gone.”

Translation: “And just like that, Lance is gone. Today is a great day.”

Season 11 of The Walking Dead is now streaming on OCS.

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