wanting to die during menstruation


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Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which occurs before menstruation, remains unrecognized even in the medical sphere. Priscilla responds to our Humans interview and testifies on this important health topic.

According to the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD), 5 to 10% of women and AFAB (Assignee Daughter at Birth) people of childbearing age are affected by a premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In this episode of Humans, 32-year-old Priscilla and creator of Insta TDPM account and me, tells us about his life altered by premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She defines it as a “Thousand power premenstrual syndrome with a predominance of psychological symptoms”, especially depression, anxiety or sadness. This phenomenon is so powerful that she has already attempted suicide 4 times.

“At first, we think we are crazy” because of premenstrual dysphoric disorder

When Priscilla explained to the doctors that she felt depressed, the doctors told her it was normal. Then “We continue to live and yet the symptoms persist”, she says. “After 4 suicide attempts” and “After seeing a psychiatrist”, Priscillia wondered why the arrival of her period always happened the day after these tragedies. So she consulted a Facebook group and was finally able to put words to what was affecting her.

This phenomenon, which occurs around the time of ovulation in Priscilla, but can vary from person to person, has it enormously. “Affected in his professional life”, but also “In his relations with his relatives”. Indeed, at first, the young woman did not know what it was. “When we have this disorder, we can’t explain this wave of sadness that takes hold of us”, she confides. Priscilla adds that “When you don’t know, the others don’t understand”.

Read also : Symptoms, duration, remedies … Better understand premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which causes physical and mental symptoms, remains taboo even today, since it concerns both the subject of mental health and that of menstruation.

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …