“Wants to marry you” – How a 15-year-old became Marc D.’s undoing

There are many unanswered questions in the Marc D case. The chats between the young Viennese man and his online love (15) are still partly under lock and key, but the first excerpts provide a deep insight. According to a friend, the American woman was in love with the Austrian and even wanted to marry him…

The law enforcement authorities have been investigating the Marc D case for months. As reported, the Viennese (24) is accused of child abuse and kidnapping. But the first excerpts from the chats with the alleged 15-year-old and a friend raise numerous questions. According to a message, the alleged victim – she is said to have claimed that she was already 19 years old – was deeply in love and wanted to marry the Austrian (!). Photos that were sent also show the girl in provocative poses and skimpy clothing. How these details fit in with the subsequent complaint filed by her family is of course anyone’s guess. The fact is that Marc D. has been behind bars since the fatal night of love. He was handcuffed on April 27, just a few hours after his first meeting with his “great love”. A Romeo and Juliet story with a bitter aftertaste. Investigations are still ongoing. But only the next few weeks will show whether these chats are even admissible for the court. The investigations are expected to be completed soon, and then they will wait for the charges. Attorney Carl-Christian Thier and his team want to achieve the best possible outcome. Meanwhile, Marc D. is struggling with threats and malnutrition. The price list in the Brevard County Jail, which some people call the “Florida Hilton”, is astonishing (see graphic). The family in Austria is now scraping together their savings to be able to help Marc D. at least a little behind bars. After all, a frozen pizza in the jail costs 20 US dollars, which is probably urgently needed for a normal lunch with four slices of toast and sausage. The family is asking for support, as their financial cushion is getting thinner and thinner. Donation account: AT 06 1400 0177 1001 6780
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