War in Ukraine: Cannes announces its twinning with Lviv

Actions of solidarity with the Ukrainian people are multiplying everywhere in France. The town hall of Cannes notably announced on Monday its twinning with the city of Lviv.

The mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, also president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), traveled to Ukraine last week to meet with his counterpart in Lviv to find out what help Cannes could provide.

He had followed a humanitarian convoy responsible for bringing donations from Cannes to this city of 720,000 inhabitants which is located about 70 kilometers from the Polish border.

“With Andriy Sadovyi, mayor of Lviv, we decided to twin our two municipalities. Cannes is proud to be linked to Lviv, a city of international renown classified by UNESCO for the beauty of its heritage. This partnership will make it possible to streamline and adapt Cannes’ humanitarian aid as closely as possible to the needs of the population and the thousands of Ukrainian refugees that this city welcomes every day, and to build the future”, declared David Lisnard in a statement from the town hall.

The city of Cannes has organized itself, since the start of the conflict, to collect basic necessities, in particular medical products, and send them to Lviv by truck. The twinning of the two towns should facilitate shipments of food aid.

A partnership that will not stop at solidarity in times of war, assures the town hall. “The twinning between Cannes and Lviv will be long-term through a set of actions in the fields of education, sport and culture to nurture the links between the two cities”, specified the town hall of Cannes on its site.

As France 3 recalls, Cannes has also had a friendship pact with Moscow, the Russian capital, since 1998.

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