War in Ukraine: Castex must present the government’s aid plan on Wednesday

Far from “whatever the cost” this aid will be “very sectorized” warned the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Monday that he was preparing to present the government’s aid plan on Wednesday to deal with the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine. “I will most likely present Wednesday afternoon with several members of the government the resilience plan that the President of the Republic has asked us to prepare.“, he said on the sidelines of a trip to Toulouse. This plan should make it possible in particular to help companies affected by the repercussions of all kinds of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

He will be “highly sectorized“warned Jean Castex, citing”all companies that have contracts with Russia, whose supplies depend on raw materials manufactured or coming from Russia, aluminum, titanium…»

SEE ALSO – War in Ukraine: Zelensky asks for help from Macron and Scholz to free the mayor of Melitopol

Discount at the pump of 15 euro cents

A first response was given on Saturday by Jean Castex in the face of soaring fuel prices, by granting a discount at the pump of 15 euro cents, “for all French people“, households as businesses, from April 1 and for four months.

But additional measures will therefore be taken, Jean Castex mentioning in particular the case, among many others, of fishermen, whose “fleet of boats” East “very fuel-intensive“. “We work with local authorities on measures to lower their social and port charges“, he announced. For the Prime Minister, it will also be “direct the investments we make towards the long term“. “It will not be enough simply to face what we see, but the challenge is how to make ourselves structurally less dependent, that is to say more sovereign“, did he declare.

SEE ALSO – War in Ukraine: the Ukrainian Parliament broadcasts a video of Paris under bombs to challenge Europeans

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