War in Ukraine disrupts BMW and Volkswagen

A shortage of wiring harnesses is forcing German manufacturers to halt their assembly lines.

Less than a month after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, German car manufacturers are already measuring the repercussions of this crisis on their activity. The concern is especially about their supply of “electrical cable harnesses”, which Ukraine has made a specialty of. “We are preparing for a total shutdownof cable production in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess said on Tuesday.

Currently, the world’s number two car supplier is supplied by nine Ukrainian factories which have maintained their production “at a reduced rate representing 30% to 40% of normal“, explained his boss. The German group is getting organized to relocate and set up additional production capacity in other countries. “It’s not too complicated to relocate, but it will take time”said the leader.

Ukrainian production equipped between half a million and 1 million vehicles per…

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