War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron convenes a new Defense Council this Monday morning

France had decided on Saturday to strengthen its support for Ukraine, in particular in defense equipment, and to toughen its sanctions against Russia, aimed in particular at access to the Swift interbank platform, after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army.

These decisions were accompanied by a set of new Western sanctions taken in particular at the level of the European Union, under the French presidency this semester, and the G7 forum, currently chaired by Germany.

Equipment delivery

On the military level, Paris decided on Saturday “the additional delivery of defense equipment to the Ukrainian authorities as well as fuel support”, indicated the presidency, without giving details on the type of these armaments. Ukraine recently submitted to the French Ministry of the Armed Forces a list of military equipment, in particular anti-aircraft defense, which it urgently needs.

During the same Defense Council on Saturday, “measures to fight against propaganda from Russian influencers and media on European soil” were also recorded, according to the Elysee. The Élysée Palace also communicated on Sunday on numerous diplomatic talks conducted by Emmanuel Macron.

The Head of State spoke in the morning with Mrs. Von der Leyen, then with the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

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