War in Ukraine: France closes its airspace “to Russian planes and airlines”

From Germany to Sweden via Belgium, Poland or Estonia, European countries each in turn announced on Sunday the closure of their airspace to Russian planes.

France will close its airspace “to Russian planes and airlines” from Sunday evening, announced on Twitter the Minister Delegate for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari.

Read also:update on the Ukrainian conflict

France is following in the footsteps of many other European countries which have taken a similar measure in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in the face of which “the unity of Europe is total”, underlined the minister.

From Germany to Sweden via Belgium, Poland or Estonia, European countries each in turn announced on Sunday the closure of their airspace to Russian planes. Italy has asked all member states of the European Union to follow suit. France also called for “rapid European coordination on the subject”. At Sunday’s meeting of European Union foreign ministers, “we will push for an EU-wide shutdown,” Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said on Twitter.

In retaliation, Moscow has begun to ban the overflight of its territory to planes linked to European countries that have announced such decisions in recent days, such as the United Kingdom, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic.

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