War in Ukraine: Marion Maréchal deplores the “semantic” debates on Putin

The former MP, support of Éric Zemmour, assured that she had no “problem in principle” in qualifying the Russian president as a “war criminal”, while deploring a “kind of verbal escalation race”.

Marion Maréchal, supporter of the far-right candidate Éric Zemmour, deplored Friday, March 25 the debates “semanticson the possibility of considering Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal“, while ensuring not to have”problem in principleto be so called. She was questioned on France Inter about the fact that she had considered in an interview in June 2021 that Vladimir Poutine was “a phenomenal geopolitical tactician“and that having dinner with him was part of”things to do in life“.

I don’t regret (having said that, editor’s note), because yes, in fact, I think Vladimir Putin is a geopolitical tactician. You can’t take that away from him, and when I was asked about it, the idea I had in mind was more that I found it interesting to be able to find out what was in Vladimir Putin’s head.“, she justified. “It wasn’t an act of complacency or submission or fascination as I heard.“, it was not “not a compliment as such“, corn “analysis“, she added.

As to whether the Russian president today can be called a “war criminal“, Marion Maréchal said that she considers that this question, “it’s a bit of semantics, because we’ve been beating around the bush on these qualifiers for a week. I’m not sure that’s what stops the bombs in kyiv“, she said. She assured that she had “no problem on the principle that he can be qualified as such, but war criminal, it is a legal definition for once, it meets very specific criteria“.

The founder of the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (Issep) in Lyon referred to the ongoing investigation by the International Criminal Court and concluded that “if it turns out that specialists and jurists attest that there were war crimes, he will have to be condemned, there is no ambiguity on that“. “But I don’t like this kind of verbal escalation race that we are witnessing, which does not bring much in terms of resolving this conflict, apart from having fun.“, she insisted again.

SEE ALSO – For Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin is a “war criminal”

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