War in Ukraine – Refugees from Ukraine: Switzerland activates protection status for the first time S – News

  • Those seeking protection from Ukraine who had to leave their homeland because of the war are given protection status S in Switzerland.
  • In this way, the refugees quickly receive a right of residence without having to go through a regular asylum procedure.
  • The Federal Council decided today. In the consultation, the introduction of protection status S was unanimously welcomed.

People who fled Ukraine because of the war are given protection status S in Switzerland from midnight. This means that they can stay in Switzerland for a year, work and go to school without an asylum procedure. This status is intended to enable those in need of protection to be admitted as quickly and unbureaucratically as possible. The Federal Council has also lifted the three-month waiting period for taking up gainful employment.


2.5 million people have fled Ukraine, said Justice Minister Keller-Sutter. Many of them found shelter in neighboring countries, most of them in Poland.

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This change compared to the definition of protection status S according to the Asylum Act was decided at the ordinance level. The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the cantons are still examining whether measures to learn the national languages ​​are necessary.

Also applies to citizens of third countries

The Federal Council specified in its statement that not only citizens of Ukraine receive the S permit, but also people from third countries who had to leave Ukraine because of the war. The prerequisite is that they have a valid Ukrainian residence permit and cannot return to their home country.

Switzerland does not grant protection status S to people who have already received protection status in an EU country. According to the Federal Council, protection status S largely corresponds to the regulation in the EU. After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, more than two million people left the country for the Schengen area, he writes.

According to the SEM, around 2,100 refugees have been registered in Switzerland so far. Around two-thirds of them are housed in federal asylum centers, the rest with private individuals. Federal Councilor Karin Keller-Sutter told the media that the actual number of refugees could be higher because Ukrainians can enter Switzerland without a visa and can stay in Switzerland for 90 days, and many have therefore not reported to the authorities.

Protection status S has been regulated by law since the total revision of the Asylum Act in 1998. The status was created as a reaction to the mass exodus in connection with the Yugoslav wars in order to avoid any overloading of the regular asylum procedures. However, the Federal Council has never activated protection status S.

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