War in Ukraine: Russian secret services hacked by Anonymous?

On social networks, the “hackers” of Anonymous have shared documents that they present as confidential and belonging to Russia, including a conversation attributed to Vladimir Putin and his Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu.

Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Anonymous has been waging a “cyber war” against the Kremlin. But this time, the “hackers” seem to have aimed bigger.

Indeed, on Twitter, the collective says it hacked the servers of the Russian secret service (FSB), formerly known as KGB, on Tuesday March 15.

To announce its action, Anonymous used the expression “Tango Down”, used in armies to signal the downing of an enemy.

The movement also announces that it has hacked the services of other Russian institutions such as the official sites of the city of Moscow, the Russian Ministry of Sports or even that of the analysis center for the government of the Russian Federation.

And that’s not all. In another tweet, Anonymous shares an allegedly confidential conversation between Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on a project to exploit and sell Ukrainian forests, as reported in particular by Ouest-France, citing the PhonAndroid site. The purpose of this project being to “defend” against the army of Volodymyr Zelensky.

an action that is part of a series

The “hackers” are not their first attempt to hack Russian organizations and institutions.

In a message posted on social networks on Sunday March 6, the hacker collective claimed to have hacked several Russian streaming and television channels, which they accuse of disinformation, by showing images of the war in Ukraine.

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On March 11, cyberhackers had already announced that they had stolen and distributed on the Internet 820 GB of confidential data from Roskomnadzor, the Russian telecoms regulator.

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