War in Ukraine: the Ukrainian counter-offensive like a chameleon

Nicolas Tonev, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: VINCENZO CIRCOSTA / ANADOLU AGENCY / ANADOLU AGENCY VIA AFP
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08:09, May 15, 2023

After Italy and Germany, Volodymyr Zelensky went to Paris on Sunday evening. A form of reassurance from the Ukrainian president to Kiev’s allies while Ukraine is in the midst of increasing military and psychological pressure on Moscow in a kind of large-scale chameleon offensive.

Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Paris on Sunday evening. After the Vatican, Italy and Germany, it’s France’s turn to be part of the Ukrainian president’s European tour. A form of reassurance from Volodymyr Zelensky to Kiev’s allies while Ukraine is in the midst of increasing military and psychological pressure on Moscow in a kind of full-scale chameleon offensive.

Harass the Kremlin troops

In Bakhmout and its region, according to a source from the Ukrainian army for Europe 1, offensive actions have resumed for at least 3 weeks district by district to harass the Kremlin troops by accepting failures in places. This explains why kyiv and Moscow can publish victory statements at the same time. The various attacks and sabotages that affect Russian territory are not claimed, but anything that creates additional stress and increased mobilization obligations for the enemy is welcome. It is therefore difficult to think of simple coincidences, especially with the destruction of planes and helicopters near the Russian-Ukrainian border.

The effort of the Ukrainian general staff relates to a permanent and very exact adaptation to the Russian situations and this chameleon effect bears fruit even before the implementation of one or more massive attacks using the tanks and armored vehicles received by hundreds. Two well-known Russian colonels have been killed on the front lines in recent days. Senior officers who should be directing the maneuvers from the rear and who were in the danger zone, a sign of the Russian command’s anxiety in the face of decoy or real actions carried out by kyiv.

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