War in Ukraine: The Wagner group would have been dispatched to assassinate Zelensky, according to the Times

More than 400 Russian mercenaries, close to the Kremlin, would have been responsible for killing the Ukrainian head of state.

They would have arrived in Ukraine already five weeks ago, according to the British newspaper The Times . While the bombardments on Kiev resumed Monday morning, February 28, more than 400 Russian mercenaries of the Wagner force, from Africa, would have gone to the Ukrainian capital with a single mission: to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelensky.

These militiamen belong to the Wagner group, close to the Kremlin, financed by the Russian oligarch Yevgueni Prigojine. In 2021, the BBC estimated that 10,000 mercenaries had fought under the banner of Wagner’s group over the past seven years. The same year, the European Union condemned their actions, accusing them of “to fuel violence, loot natural resources and intimidate civilians in violation of international law“.

It was through a note from its secret services that the Ukrainian government learned of their presence, declaring a strict curfew of 36 hours in the process. The latter was lifted Monday morning at 8 a.m. local time.

SEE ALSO – War in Ukraine: Zelensky wants to “try” to negotiate with the Russians, without “too much” believing in it

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