War in Ukraine: Ukrainian army strikes Melitopol, southern city controlled by Russia

“Twenty units of enemy equipment and two ammunition depots” were destroyed, according to a spokesman for the Ukrainian general staff.

The Ukrainian army hasdecommissioned” in the night from Saturday to Sunday a Russian military base in Melitopol, a city in southern Ukraine controlled by forces from Moscow, announced its mayor in exile.

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Today the Ukrainian military forces decommissioned one of the Russian military basesfrom the city, Ivan Fedorov said in a video posted on Telegram messaging.

At 03:00 and 05:00, 30 strikes targeted the military base exclusively“, he added, specifying that “the city of Melitopol is covered in smoke” and “this has been going on for several hours because a fuel depot that was on the base is burning“.

‘No injuries’

A spokesman for the Ukrainian general staff had announced on Sunday morning that the Ukrainian air force had carried out about fifteen sorties, in particular in the region of Zaporijjia to which Melitopol belongs, and “than twenty units of enemy equipment and two ammunition depotshad been destroyed.

Yevgeny Balitsky, the head of the pro-Russian administration in the region, said on Telegram that houses near the base had been damaged and that “shells fell on the territory of the airfield“, while ensuring that he “there are no injuries“.

Ukrainian media released several videos from social media showing a huge column of smoke rising into the air near Melitopol.

Melitopol was conquered by Russian forces in the early days of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine and a pro-Russian administration was quickly installed there.

SEE ALSO – War in Ukraine: 2,610 localities “under Russian occupation”, according to Zelensky

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